Full disclosure: I am the user who raised the flag on the question for closure after noticing that the link to the song is dead.
. . .the question has an accepted answer, with detail about the song and its lyrics. There is also a comment to the question which quotes fragments of the lyrics, so no shortage of information there.
My opinion is that a question should be able to stand on its own to remain open. The content of the answers, the comments, and whether or not an answer is accepted should not really influence whether a question is closed or (re)opened.
If a poor question has a good answer, then ideally the question should be edited and improved. For example, if important information is placed in the comments, then it should be edited into the body.
If it is not possible to improve the question by editing, then closing the question is a good policy; deletion might be too harsh in such a case since we would be losing potentially good content given by the answerers.
If the question is of such low quality that it demands deletion, then perhaps a new better question can be asked for which the good answers can find a home. The answerers can be pinged to move their answers to the new question. This way, good content is preserved and the quality of questions is also improved.
In this case, I submit that the question should be closed in the form that it currently stands. Consider that the entire body of the question is:
This is the video link. It starts at 4:32.
With the video link dead, this means that the body is practically empty! In my mind, there is no doubt that such a question needs to be closed.
Should we wish to preserve the question, one could edit the comments as well as the title into the body of the question. This leaves us with something like the following:
I am looking for an old school hip-hop song. Some bits of the lyrics are "psychic/sidekick", "belly of the beast", "sucker romance". I found the song in the background to a personal video dated 1999, so the song is probably from around the same period.
It is questionable whether this is sufficient; no effort is shown by the OP in identifying the song, for instance. But, at least it is an improvement. We currently have many questions that are open with only this level of detail, so I would not dispute it if a question with the above content stayed open.